Liisa Kallam

Liisa KallamI am a textile designer. It was about 10 years ago when I found that I am
interested in fibers and fibrematerials. Wool and felting gave me an
opportunity to participate in making textile materials from the start.
I got fascinated by the novelty of felting technique around the year 2000,
when I was part of the revival of old felting techniques and teaching it to others.
Many of my todays works are inspired from interest in ethnography.
The thousand year old felting practice, contemporay knowledge and skill
give opportunities to create durable and present-day furnishing textiles.

The most challenging area has been creating beneficial textiles from
Estonian peat fibres. I like to think that the peat fibres used in creating
textiles is a couple of thousand years old, is at the same time mysterious,
with very good characteristics, ecological and a very intrinsic material to Estonians.

Participating in Emma Leppermann studio has offered many ways in combining
different technologies, skills and opportunities in creating items in one’s own style. So are created
products that combine handicraft and contemporary production possibilities. Mostly I participate in
felting, handprinting and in colouring of textiles. From synergy come textile exhibitions and projects.
Perhaps you’ll find the joy of creating also from our products.

2009 — Co-founder of Emma Leppermann Studio

2002–2004 — Estonian Academy of Arts, Textile designer, master’s studies

2001–2003 — Estonian Academy of Arts, Teacher’s course

1996–2001 — Estonian Academy of Arts, Textile designer, Bachelor of Arts